Want to be GREEN with 3D Printing? Let Terrafilum® help you be GREEN!
Leave a CommentWe collect and reuse ALL types of unbroken 3D printing spools
There are 3 ways to be green:
- If you’re local, please feel free to drop them off at our facility.
- If you would like to get them out of your maker space, please collect 6 or more spools, box them, note the box
dimensions and weight, then email us. We will send you a shipping label to get them to us. - If you are part of a maker community and can organize a spool drive, then let us help. Get your team and find a
location to drop off the spools. We will work with you on boxes and transportation needs.
Have more questions about the program?
Contact us:
Terrafilum® Engineered Filaments
919 Trakk Lane, Unit B
Woodstock, IL 60098
Ph: 815-526-3248
Email: support@terrafilum.com