Our Story
Chris grew up in Iowa with a physical disability that on the outward appearance may define him as having limitations. However, he is anything but limited. He grew up with a need to try everything. The biggest motivation for him was telling him that he couldn’t do something – like tie shoes! With lots of support from his close-knit family and friends, Chris overcame life’s struggles and developed a strategy for life along the way – HOPE Leadership TM. With Honesty, Optimism, Planning, and Energy you can do anything and conquer any problem. Like his father, Chris found that he was pretty good at solving problems in a practical way. Engineering school was a natural fit.
Fast forward with 30+ years of experience as a Chemical Engineer and a prestigious MBA, Chris rose in the ranks of corporate America. He became a skilled coach, mentor, and business leader with a very diverse background having experiences in Chemicals, Plastics, Healthcare, and Custom Manufacturing industries. His eclectic passions never left him satisfied until he and Additive Manufacturing crossed paths.
Born out of a passion for Business, Manufacturing, and Golf, our founder formulated this concept with years of experience and hard life lessons. The idea solidified when his passion for golf and age collided. Chris has always held his clubs in a unique way – anchored under his right arm. Over the years, this constantly left him with abrasions from the golf club. He needed a new design for his grip, so he could keep playing.
Working with a major golf equipment supplier, he learned he wasn’t alone. There were other folks that held a golf club in a similar fashion. After hours on the range with the equipment designer, a prototype was developed. From the original concept, other designs were fabricated until the final design was put to the test.
Additive Manufacturing helped achieve rapid prototyping and a real solution to the problem. Behind the solution was a material where we could get strength, chemical resistance, and coating adhesion. There wasn’t a lot of fluff or special circumstance. Just a real need, satisfied for a real person, to enable continued enjoyment of a real passion. Chris understood that if he could coordinate this for himself, then he could help other people by helping solve problems with his material knowledge and what better way to do that then to serve the industries that helped him – Additive Manufacturing and Materials Manufacturing.
Several Months Later, Terrafilum TM was born. Feel free to contact Chris, he loves to hear from customers and loves to help people!